Top Songs Kids Love

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Tracks include:

Mrs Bunny, Play the Whole Day Through, Can You Bounce, Little Drum, The Beach, See My Shaker, Swing This Way, Drum Shaker Song, This Little Teddy of Mine, Shaker Song,  I am Hiding, and A Twinkling Melody. 

Creating a playlist with favourite songs is a great way to incorporate music into your everyday lives. Listen to music in the car, do a dance party, play the drums on bowls from the kitchen, twirl ribbons, make shakers in an empty bottle, or just have music in the background. 

We recently did a poll with hundreds of parents to find out kids favourite songs to listen to. There are some favourites, like Baby Shark and Happy, but there are a few surprising songs you may not have thought of. Some of the songs are nursery rhymes (which are fabulous for early literacy skills), just find a song version your child enjoys. 

Here’s the list!

40 Song Kids Love

  1. Apples and Bananas by Raffi
  2. The Ants go Marching
  3. Baby Shark by Pinkfong
  4. Big Red Car by The Wiggles
  5. Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake (Trolls soundtrack)
  6. The Children’s Marching Song (Nick Nack Paddy Wack) by Mitch Miller
  7. Do the Propeller by The Wiggles
  8. Dino Stomp by Playschool
  9. Dr Knickerbocker by The Wiggles
  10. Everywhere’s a Dancefloor by Justine Clarke
  11. Five Cheeky Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
  12. Five Little Ducks
  13. Five Little Speckled Frogs
  14. Fish & Mice by Holly Throsby
  15. Fruit Salad by The Wiggles
  16. Happy by Pharrell Williams (Despicable Me soundtrack)
  17. Hickory Dickory Dock
  18. Hot Dog Dance by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
  19. Hushaby Mountain by Stacey Kent
  20. I Can Play Anything by Jay Laga’aia
  21. I like to Sing by Justine Clarke
  22. I’m Still Standing by Taron Egerton (Sing soundtrack)
  23. Incy Wincy Spider
  24. Let it Go by Idina Menzel (Frozen soundtrack)
  25. Little Day Out by Justine Clarke
  26. Jesus Loves Me by William B. Bradbury
  27. Make a Scary Face by Spotty Kites
  28. Mr Clickerty Cane
  29. My Lighthouse by Rend Collective
  30. Old Macdonald
  31. Open, Shut Them
  32. Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul and Mary
  33. Sleeping Bunnies
  34. Teddy Bear’s Picnic by Anne Murray
  35. This is the Way the Lady Rides
  36. This Little Teapot
  37. Watermelon by Justine Clarke
  38. We are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner
  39. Wheels on the Bus
  40. You Are My Sunshine originally written by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchel

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